EcoTech Microfibre Cloths - Yellow
Ideal for dusting and polishing, the microfibre material will easily catch small particles of dust and dirt, while the extra absorbancy means less scrubbing for the same high quality results. This will make it easier for your cleaning staff to keep your surfaces spotlessly clean.
Use in dry and damp conditions to ensure no surface is left untouched to provide your staff and customers with the highest possible working and dining experience. Available in four bright colours including blue, red, green and yellow.
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Mauris pulvinar urna nibh, sed bibendum orci cursus vel. Phasellus sodales congue purus, vel dictum lorem cursus eget. Curabitur sit amet nisi sed odio tincidunt auctor. Donec rhoncus mattis elementum. Aenean vitae commodo dui, quis facilisis ante.