Jantex Green Surface Sanitiser Wipes Starter Tub 200mm (Pack of 200)
Need an easy way to keep your surfaces clean and germ-free? Then this tub of 200 disinfectant wipes from Jantex Green is perfect for you. Killing up to 100% of bacteria and viruses within 1 minute of exposure, these wipes boasts a powerful and efficient design that helps you to maintain excellent levels of hygiene around your business - going that extra mile to keep your staff and guests safe!
Plus, their non-toxic, quat-free design means that these wipes are safe for your skin, equipment and the environment too! So you can use them around your business without causing skin or airborne irritations.
And refill pack CH651 is available, designed to fit the tub - which uses 90% less plastic. This reduces the amount of plastic waste that your business sends to landfill and helping the environment, one tub at a time.
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