Disposable Polythene Bib Aprons 14.5 Micron White (Pack of 100)
Simple but highly effective protection for your skin and staff uniforms. Whenever you need instant coverage, make sure these disposable bib aprons are within easy reach. Made with halter neck and waist ties, they can be grabbed and put on within seconds - ensuring no time is wasted during service. Because they're made from a strong, thick and water-resistant polythene, the aprons provide a reliable barrier to keep skin and clothes safe from splashes or stains. They're incredibly versatile too, and are used every day in all kinds of professional settings - from food handling to care, hair and beauty environments. And because they're certified food-safe, these disposable white aprons can be used in kitchens without risk of tainting your ingredients.
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Proin pretium ipsum lorem, ac ornare erat maximus et. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce molestie massa vel ligula sodales, pretium feugiat eros laoreet. Proin ultrices magna quis ante congue, id semper purus semper.
Mauris pulvinar urna nibh, sed bibendum orci cursus vel. Phasellus sodales congue purus, vel dictum lorem cursus eget. Curabitur sit amet nisi sed odio tincidunt auctor. Donec rhoncus mattis elementum. Aenean vitae commodo dui, quis facilisis ante.