SYR Colour Coded Interchangeable Handle (RED)
Minimise the spread of germs with this red colour coded interchangeable handle from SYR. Available in blue, green, red and yellow, the handle allows you to designate cleaning equipment to a certain area. Therefore, helping to reduce cross contamination and increasing hygiene.
And, the handle fits all SYR mops and broom heads - allowing interchange between equipment with ease, giving cleaning staff less to carry.
To top it off, the mophead can simply be twisted in because there are no fiddly screws - making it quick and easy to swap between uses.
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Mauris pulvinar urna nibh, sed bibendum orci cursus vel. Phasellus sodales congue purus, vel dictum lorem cursus eget. Curabitur sit amet nisi sed odio tincidunt auctor. Donec rhoncus mattis elementum. Aenean vitae commodo dui, quis facilisis ante.