Dispoable Powder-Free Polyethylene Gloves Clear (Pack of 100)
Add convenient PPE to your services with these disposable clear gloves. Made from extra-strong HDPE, these powder-free gloves protect against cross contamination, as well as dirt and potential irritants. When working with food, these help to protect your business and customers from the dangers of unsafe, unhygienic food handling.Thanks to the disposable design, these gloves help to reduce the risk of bacteria being spread - keeping staff and guests safe. Specially designed to be ambidextrous, these clear gloves can be used on either hand, making them suitable for every member of your team.
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Proin pretium ipsum lorem, ac ornare erat maximus et. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce molestie massa vel ligula sodales, pretium feugiat eros laoreet. Proin ultrices magna quis ante congue, id semper purus semper.
Mauris pulvinar urna nibh, sed bibendum orci cursus vel. Phasellus sodales congue purus, vel dictum lorem cursus eget. Curabitur sit amet nisi sed odio tincidunt auctor. Donec rhoncus mattis elementum. Aenean vitae commodo dui, quis facilisis ante.