
Advanced Rinse Aid For All Water Hardness For Standard Enclosed Glass and Dishwasher (2x5Litres)

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Suitable for all water conditions Ensures sparkling crockery and cutlery Spot free glassware Low foaming formulation
Rinseaid SS is a concentrated machine dishwashing rinse aid for enclosed cabinet dishwashers. It ensures streak free rapid drying in all water conditions. Suitable for use in all dishwashing machines.

Pack Size

DIRECTIONS: Normally a concentration of 0.1-0.3 ml/l is used, dependent on level of water hardness. The temperature of the wash cycle should be at between 80 - 90°C. PROTECT FROM FROST

Composition A blend of low foaming free rinsing detergents

Appearance Clear liquid

Colour Blue

Density 1.025

pH 1.7 - 2.5

Fragrance Odourless

Stability 2 Years in unopened containers at ambient temperatures.

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